South Australia- An independent nation

Ideas and concepts of what Adelaide can be.
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Re: South Australia- An independent nation

#31 Post by rev » Mon Nov 04, 2013 8:29 pm

I'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned yet seeing as how heated the gay marriage debate got in this thread.
ACT has legislated to make it legal. But now the Feds are challenging it in court.
Say SA legislates to make it legal, then the Feds challenge it, threaten funding, etc blah blah usual stuff. Who'd support SA breaking away from the federation over that?

Or, on infrastructure. With the Feds cutting funding for electrification of part of the rail system, and interfering in state politics and trying to influence the next election by promising funding for one section of south road and not others(can argue labor did/do the same), who'd support breaking away over those issues? and the economy.
They are playing politics over the future of Holden, and over the entire industry worth over 20 billion to the national economy and employing thousands of people across the country with all the component and parts makers.
It wouldn't just be the Holden factory and it's workers that would lose their jobs, but tens of thousands of others.
Toyota would also be under a lot of pressure if Holden closes. In fact if Holden goes, I think it's a certainty that Toyota will go too.

So, the Feds don't want to support local industry...break away, support them, and invite Toyota and component/parts makers over the border?
Obviously there would be more to it.

What about breaking away and forming an independent nation with another state/territory?
Should we start advocating and raising awareness of this before Abbott, Hockey and Turnbull destroy what's left of the Australia we know?

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Re: South Australia- An independent nation

#32 Post by zippySA » Mon Nov 04, 2013 11:17 pm

Geez, this thread is one interesting old ride. Started out with an interesting concept - debating merit or not of becoming independent - and descending into an angry debate on gay marriage.

Now, back to topic - anyone wanting to fire up gay marriage issue again - suggest you open a new page and go there, unless it relates to independence directly.

I won't start with a detailed response, more an observation: the concept put forward is seemingly to me a great way to explore and discover possible enhancements or avenues to progress for positive change in SA. By taking the somewhat radical view of independence, the issues this brings may assist in fleshing out what may actually be issues that are holding us back, but could be addressed through our current Commonwealth / State system.

One observation - and it makes me wonder if this is endemic in SA and part of our issue - people delight (and it is not just this page but others and I sometimes indulge in it too) in simply taking an opposite view, and not simply an opposite, but a polar opposite, absolute negative, must be completely wrong, what the f'ing hell are you talking about type position. It is much easier to be contrary to a view than it is to actually seek to consider it on its merit, raise technical points of order and seek to pursuade all listeners and contributors as to the right (or often least wrong) path or idea. But this post seems as though some real insightful sparring on points may be interesting - so lets see what happens huh?

So, enough crapping on for me tonight - looking forward to some more considered debate, and when I have bit more time I plan on interrogating some of the independence concept to see where it may lead or what idea may be sparked to push through towards improving the current (crap) situation in SA - which has soooooo much more potential than we are realising now.

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