Footbrawl (pointless arguments about the AFL)

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Re: Footbrawl (pointless arguments about the AFL)

#31 Post by monotonehell » Fri May 30, 2014 9:38 am

PeFe wrote:Please retitle this thread "Footbrawl"....... :2cents:
That's the one.
Exit on the right in the direction of travel.

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Re: please suggest a title... (AFL something something)

#32 Post by rev » Fri May 30, 2014 9:41 am

spiller wrote:Port on top the AFL ladder, winning games, selling out match after match. FIFTY TWO THOUSAND MEMBERS!!!oneone11111! (24 thousand of which are comprised of three game or less memberships). Port supporters preaching gospel as if its been the case since day dot. Now every man and his dog, tom, dick and harry are Port fans!

Gee Port fans have short memories :D
Been that way since day dot? Whose acting like that?
Port supporters have short memories?

What's wrong, lack any real arguments with substance? Upset Port are the talk of the AFL? Upset that Port is getting so much positive attention and feedback?
Upset nobody except a few South Australians stuck in their own little fantasy world of delusion care about the Crows business entity?

A few years ago it was estimated some 40,000+ Port members had not renewed their memberships, and were no longer members.
At the time we had around 30-35,000 odd members. We now have 54,000 members.
Do you want to know where a majority of the surge in members have come from? Not the bullshit you hear on 5 double crap, not the bullshit you read from biased Crows supporters masquerading poorly as journalists in the Advertiser, but those former members who felt disillusioned in previous years. They've now returned in strength. And to think, there's still at least 20,000 former members out there.

What's wrong with 3 game memberships? Practically every club does it. Even the Adelaide Camry Crows(who names a club after a car..?)
It's funny how the Crows claim to be the team for all South Australians..yet they called them selves the Camry Crows, sponsored by Toyota, who makes cars in Victoria. Meanwhile Holden has been 30 minutes away the whole time.

The Crows are even selling ONE GAME MEMBERSHIPS all of a sudden, as part of some merchandise packs or something. What's wrong, the Camry Crows and SANFL old boys are starting to panic?

Someone said the SANFL installed a Norwood man to run the club?
And your point is what exactly?
Your greatest player, Andrew McLeod, is the product of the Port Adelaide Football Club. Conveniently though that's a fact Crows supporters ignore. :lol:

Fos Williams..came over from West Adelaide. You do know he wrote the creed? Do you even know what the creed is? Of course not, you don't support a real football club, you don't know what real football traditions and culture is. All you know is an empty business entity masquerading as a football club.

Do you want to know why Keith Thomas is now one of the most vocal and passionate Port Adelaide people? Because the Port Adelaide Football Club is a club built on traditions and culture. It has a football club culture. Unlike the Crows which are nothing more then a business entity.

That's also why Port was able to hold on to players like Boak, Wines, etc. Players falling over them selves to resign with the club.
Geelong sent over their coach and some star players to try and convince Boak to go back to Victoria and join Geelong. Geelong who at the time were flying high and Port Adelaide who at the time was described as a "basket case". He could have walked into instant success at Geelong.
Instead he chose to stay at Port, and build success with his team mates who are the third youngest playing group in the AFL.

Whereas your best forward in recent times, Tippet, didn't even want to stay any longer then a further 2 years at the club. He wanted out. And he got out.
Says a lot about the "culture" of your club. Or lack thereof..
Bernie Vince, should have been kept at the Crows. Instead he was forced out. It was glorious watching his new club burn the Crows at Adelaide Oval.

You walk into Alberton, and what do you see? Tradition, success, culture. That's what a football club is. You immediately know you are in a traditional football club steeped in success, culture and traditions.
You walk into West Lakes, and what do you see? Nothing more then a corporate facility.

The SANFL handed some money BACK to Port Adelaide to help it?
Good, about time the leaches at SANFL gave something back. They've been bleeding Port Adelaide dry for years now. Argue it's not the case all you want, it's a well known and accepted fact, even within the AFL. That's partly why the AFL is heavily involved in Adelaide Oval's stadium deal negotiations. That's why the AFL is doing a review soon on the stadium deal, and the return to clubs.

They will be shocked with what they find the SANFL/SMA have been up to.

Even the media in Melbourne has caught on and is making an issue out of it now. :applause:

Everywhere except in good old South Australia, still controlled by the old boys club.

Don't worry, there IS a few Crows supporters able to think for them selves instead of regurgitating the unsubstantiated rubbish from the Advertiser and 5AA. They are the ones who want change at the Crows. They are the ones who recognize not all is right at their beloved club.
Hopefully they prevail, and we can have two truly independent and strong AFL teams from SA.

And that's the difference between me and the two of you.
I actually recognize the fact that two strong SA based teams are better then one or none at all.
Whereas childish people like your selves wish the demise of one of the greatest sporting clubs in this country, out of petty jealousy that you've been brought up on foolishly.

It's ok, we at Port Adelaide will keep fighting and doing the heavy lifting for the benefit of football in this state.
You sit back and knit some more jumpers and enjoy tea and scons at your "chant nights".

Here's some facts you should remember though.

Crows would not exist if it wasn't for Port making a move to join the AFL. Crows exist thanks to SANFL court action. What a proud tradition that must be at West Lakes.
You'd still be enjoying the wet, cold concrete and sub-par facilities at AAMI stadium if it wasn't for Port Adelaide pushing to play AFL at Adelaide Oval.

On behalf of the Port Adelaide Football Club and all it's supporters, you are welcome.

You can send your thank you cards to the Port Adelaide Football Club PO Box 379 PORT ADELAIDE SA 5015.

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Re: Footbrawl (pointless arguments about the AFL)

#33 Post by Waewick » Fri May 30, 2014 11:27 am

Already too many full of shit port supporters in here.

Perhaps rename it The Port Power fap thread.

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Footbrawl (pointless arguments about the AFL)

#34 Post by Dog » Fri May 30, 2014 12:10 pm

PeFe wrote:Please retitle this thread "Footbrawl"....... :2cents:
That's the one! Footbrawl!

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Re: Footbrawl (pointless arguments about the AFL)

#35 Post by [Shuz] » Fri May 30, 2014 12:41 pm

Jee, Rev, it seems like you'd go voluntary sign yourself up as a Port Adelaide conscript should the club ever go to war.
Any views and opinions expressed are of my own, and do not reflect the views or opinions of any organisation of which I have an affiliation with.

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Re: Footbrawl (pointless arguments about the AFL)

#36 Post by rev » Fri May 30, 2014 1:39 pm

[Shuz] wrote:Jee, Rev, it seems like you'd go voluntary sign yourself up as a Port Adelaide conscript should the club ever go to war.
I might start the Port Adelaide Volunteer Militia. You in?
We accept crows supporters who've seen the light and come to their senses.

In all seriousness though, the issue with the media regarding football, is the same as the issue with the media and the role it plays in progress and developments in this city.
They are all a bunch of incompetent, ignorant, arrogant sob's, who wouldn't know what journalistic integrity was if it fell out of the sky and land on their kitchen table during dinner.

A lot of the bitterness between supporters is caused by these buffoons at the Advertiser and 5aa.

These people aren't journalists or sports radio hosts. They are gossip mongers and despicable liars who've only got jobs because of the old boys club mentality in this state.

You look at the rivalries between the Melbourne clubs. Do you see the bitterness, outright hatred and disgusting behavior and rhetoric we see here from the Crows-centric media over the Port-Crows rivalry?
Granted it's hard to have a healthy rivalry given how the Crows came into existence, but that could have been overcome if we had an integrity, honesty based media.

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Re: Footbrawl (pointless arguments about the AFL)

#37 Post by spiller » Fri May 30, 2014 2:36 pm

That's a great post and all rev, but where were those words in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012? You said it yourself, 40,000 members ditched their memberships. Now, last time I looked, turning your back on a club that you're so "passionate" about when they are performing poorly, and rejoining again when they start winning is not GOOD tradition. Sure, there are always going to be a few that ride the band wagon, but 40,000!? What does that say about Port Adelaide culture?

You can rave on about the Crows being a composite team and nothing but a business until the cows (like my pun?) come home. Isnt that what the AFL is these days, a corporation? You think Port dont want to be this way? Why are they trying to create a new market in China? What does Alberton have to do with China?

Plus, that whole argument about the crows having no history is becoming redundant now anyway. The club is approaching 25 years of age. They have plenty of young members. lets not forget THE CROWS ARE A BIGGER CLUB THAN PORT. And before you say "well Port have over 100 years of history", that's great, but did ALL of Port's 52,000 current members hail from the blue collar origins of the original Port Adelaide? Hardly. We are talking the magpies here, not that mob with teal on their jumpers. Oh wait, I forgot, "One Club".

I also realise every AFL club sells 3-game memberships these days. Why wouldn't they? Its a great business model. But don't over-look the fact that almost 50% of your members don't have the commitment to buy a full 11-game membership. Again, what does that say about Port fans and their level of commitment to their club? Count up the numbers for 1 and 3 game crows memberships and compare those numbers to their 11-game memberships and see what the difference is.

Am i getting you "revved" up yet rev?

FWIW, I really like Port Adelaide as an organisation. I think that their marketing is great, their pre-game entertainment is fantastic, and the Crows have a lot to learn from them in these areas. I just have sour grapes about the fact that you only see passion from Port fans when their team is doing well, and when its the case you'd think it had been happening for a million consecutive seasons.

PPS, I dont subscribe to the Advertiser, 5AA or any other form of South Australian media.

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Re: Footbrawl (pointless arguments about the AFL)

#38 Post by rev » Fri May 30, 2014 3:39 pm

spiller wrote:That's a great post and all rev, but where were those words in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012? You said it yourself, 40,000 members ditched their memberships. Now, last time I looked, turning your back on a club that you're so "passionate" about when they are performing poorly, and rejoining again when they start winning is not GOOD tradition. Sure, there are always going to be a few that ride the band wagon, but 40,000!? What does that say about Port Adelaide culture?
At a time when the club was being detrimentally controlled and drained by the SANFL? They voted with their feet and their wallets. For change.
Change has now occurred. Part of the reason change occurred, part of the reason the club fell as low as it did, is because those members acted the only way they realistically act and force a change.
Make no mistake, people turned away because they were sick of what they were seeing. What they were seeing was a direct result of the SANFL.

Isn't it funny that now we are almost totally free of any SANFL involvement in AFL football in this state, and how drastically Port's fortunes have changed? Amazing. Further proof and solidifies my argument.
You can rave on about the Crows being a composite team and nothing but a business until the cows (like my pun?) come home. Isnt that what the AFL is these days, a corporation? You think Port dont want to be this way? Why are they trying to create a new market in China? What does Alberton have to do with China?
I really don't care what the Crows are, nor do I call them the cows.
I actually hope that both Port and the Crows get equal, fair, balanced deals and treatment from here on in, and while I hope that Port maintains it's strong performances, I also want to see the Crows doing well as well. I'm not bitter or twisted on the whole matter like some of you Crowbots are.

The whole playing a game in China thing is about capturing a new market. About creating new potential sponsors. It's about taking our game beyond our own shores. It's innovation and thinking outside the box, something foreign to the Crows corporate heads who so far this season have tried to emulate what Port Adelaide has done but have fallen short. Hard to chase the leader when you don't know what the leader is actually doing.

Yep, football is a business. A multi-billion dollar business. No money, cant operate. That's what it's about.
It takes more then a club culture and traditions. It takes a lot more money then it used to, when those traditions and that culture was forged.
That is the reality when a football department needs $20 million to operate and be competitive.
That doesn't mean the club turns it's back on it's culture or traditions. Those things are very much a part of the way forward as they are of that clubs history.
Plus, that whole argument about the crows having no history is becoming redundant now anyway. The club is approaching 25 years of age. They have plenty of young members. lets not forget THE CROWS ARE A BIGGER CLUB THAN PORT. And before you say "well Port have over 100 years of history", that's great, but did ALL of Port's 52,000 current members hail from the blue collar origins of the original Port Adelaide? Hardly. We are talking the magpies here, not that mob with teal on their jumpers. Oh wait, I forgot, "One Club".
You're right, you did forget, because you're just a plain old idiot trying to appear intelligent on the subject of Port Adelaide, like most Camry Crowbots.
What you fail to understand, either through stupidity, ignorance, or just plain being a jackass, is that the Port Adelaide Football Club that was founded in 1870(it actually is older then the SANFL, another fact for you), left the SANFL when it joined the AFL, and changed from the "Magpies" to the "Power". The club didn't fold, and a new entity replace it. The club rebranded it self. For obvious reasons, it's called Collingwood Magpies. The Magpies which then existed in the SANFL concurrently with the Power, was on the wishes of the SANFL. Again, for obvious reasons. Port Adelaide cash cow, biggest club in the league, splitting the supporter base between Magpies and Power.
Eventually, as you say, the cows came home, and Port Adelaide said enough is enough, the right opportunity presented it self for something to be done, and it was done.

I hope I've educated you, and hopefully bits and pieces have stuck in your mind. Eventually, you will hear it enough times, and all the bits and pieces will stick in your mind. Putting them all in the correct order in a Crowbots mind though might require some doing though.
I also realise every AFL club sells 3-game memberships these days. Why wouldn't they? Its a great business model. But don't over-look the fact that almost 50% of your members don't have the commitment to buy a full 11-game membership. Again, what does that say about Port fans and their level of commitment to their club? Count up the numbers for 1 and 3 game crows memberships and compare those numbers to their 11-game memberships and see what the difference is.
LOL clutch at some smaller straws.
Am i getting you "revved" up yet rev?
Oh, I'm immensely revved up jackass.
FWIW, I really like Port Adelaide as an organisation.
No you don't. You are trying to save face now.
A bit too transparent. Like the lying and cheating your club is now renowned for with it's "clerical errors".
I think that their marketing is great, their pre-game entertainment is fantastic, and the Crows have a lot to learn from them in these areas. I just have sour grapes about the fact that you only see passion from Port fans when their team is doing well, and when its the case you'd think it had been happening for a million consecutive seasons.
The Crows should start trying to be original and do their own thing.
Copying Port by playing songs(non-club song) before a game, trying to have a mini concert like Ports post-game concerts, trying to have a "march to the oval" like Port does..just pathetic really.

Like I said, it's hard to copy and follow the leader when you don't even know what the leader is doing and why the leader is doing what they are doing.

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Re: Footbrawl (pointless arguments about the AFL)

#39 Post by slenderman » Fri May 30, 2014 5:12 pm

Ugh, take this crap to Bigfooty, reverend. There's a thread on that forum from the Port Power fans about how they would react if their kid was drafted to the Crows. Show support for what your child wants to do? God no. Re losing players, Port have lost players too, such as Ben Jacobs and Shaun Burgoyne, with Burgoyne admitting disenchantment within the ranks.

Fact is, you didn't show up in 2008-2012 because you're bandwagoners. Don't tell me about "we voted with our feet", no Port fans ever said that. In fact, back in 2011 when both Crows and Port were shit, I'd say to my mates "Hey, you wanna talk about footy?", and they'd be like "Nup" and go quiet, because Port were doing badly. They didn't say, "we're voting with our feet because we're disgusted by our management", and "we hate the way this club is being run", they said nothing. Besides, why would it have taken five seasons before anything changed?

Oh, but then in 2013/this year, now that you're finally good again, the Port ferals are the first ones to tell me about how good they are, suddenly they want to talk footy again. Then, going to the showdown this year and last, a bunch of Port ferals throw their scarves in my face and wave their shiny new flags in my way as I try to walk out. I remember one of the Port trivia questions was "What year was this famous Port Adelaide moment?". Answer? 2013, of course. It's not like most Port fans remember 2008-2012

I respect the passionate Port fans who stuck with their team through some of the darkest days in their history, such as Richmond 2010 in the pissing rain on their 140th anniversary, 165, Gold Coast and GWS losses, and as much as I hate Port, they're killing us off field. Don't act as if your club has always been perfect when you take pleasure in seeing us lose to Melbourne. Your club has been there, through much darker days as well.

I'm honestly pissed off with the Crows management at the moment. Walking a 19th man flag around the oval to a shitty crows anthem is NOT pre-match entertainment, Bernie Vince was handled disgracefully and Trigg and the board need sacking immediately (you could write a book as thick as a telephone book on what those muppets have cost us). I have questions about whether Sando is the right man to lead us (even in 2012 he refused to drop Shaw, Petrenko or Callinan in the finals), our assistant coaches (Bickley in particular) need replacing, and average list cloggers like Mackay, Shaw, Petrenko and Reilly need delisting.

Just remember that you won't be playing like this forever, form and success fluctuates, and we'll have to see if the bay covers and sub 20k crowds return when your now open premiership window closes.

Anyway, I have quite hypocritically gone off on a rant about Port when I told you to take it to Bigfooty. Don't bother replying rev, I'm not interested in a shit hurling fight with you. We should keep discussion in this forum civil and not resort to name calling and other immature crap, as you have done to others in this forum already. No need to get so worked up about what, at the end of the day, is a game, to total strangers.

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Re: Footbrawl (pointless arguments about the AFL)

#40 Post by spiller » Fri May 30, 2014 8:10 pm

Rev, you're obviously passionate and know your Port Adelaide history and i'm more than happy to go "toe to toe" even if it's for a bit of fun and amusement. However, you ruined it for me when you started making assumptions about what kind of person I am, my age and my level of intelligence. You even dropped a few name-callings in there. All assumptions of which are based largely on a stereotype of the football team that I follow. I'm reluctant to stoop to your level even though it would be the easiest way to stamp my authority (and self perceived it seems to be, in your case) over this thread.

You've never met me and you certainly dont know me. You're acting like an immature brat who can't control his or her's emotions.

In other words, get over yourself.

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Re: Footbrawl (pointless arguments about the AFL)

#41 Post by jk1237 » Fri May 30, 2014 10:10 pm

come on now, grow up camries, don't dish it out if you can't take it, its rather lame

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Re: Footbrawl (pointless arguments about the AFL)

#42 Post by Waewick » Fri May 30, 2014 10:35 pm

rev wrote:
spiller wrote:That's a great post and all rev, but where were those words in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012? You said it yourself, 40,000 members ditched their memberships. Now, last time I looked, turning your back on a club that you're so "passionate" about when they are performing poorly, and rejoining again when they start winning is not GOOD tradition. Sure, there are always going to be a few that ride the band wagon, but 40,000!? What does that say about Port Adelaide culture?
At a time when the club was being detrimentally controlled and drained by the SANFL? They voted with their feet and their wallets. For change.
Change has now occurred. Part of the reason change occurred, part of the reason the club fell as low as it did, is because those members acted the only way they realistically act and force a change.
Make no mistake, people turned away because they were sick of what they were seeing. What they were seeing was a direct result of the SANFL.

Isn't it funny that now we are almost totally free of any SANFL involvement in AFL football in this state, and how drastically Port's fortunes have changed? Amazing. Further proof and solidifies my argument.
You can rave on about the Crows being a composite team and nothing but a business until the cows (like my pun?) come home. Isnt that what the AFL is these days, a corporation? You think Port dont want to be this way? Why are they trying to create a new market in China? What does Alberton have to do with China?
I really don't care what the Crows are, nor do I call them the cows.
I actually hope that both Port and the Crows get equal, fair, balanced deals and treatment from here on in, and while I hope that Port maintains it's strong performances, I also want to see the Crows doing well as well. I'm not bitter or twisted on the whole matter like some of you Crowbots are.

The whole playing a game in China thing is about capturing a new market. About creating new potential sponsors. It's about taking our game beyond our own shores. It's innovation and thinking outside the box, something foreign to the Crows corporate heads who so far this season have tried to emulate what Port Adelaide has done but have fallen short. Hard to chase the leader when you don't know what the leader is actually doing.

Yep, football is a business. A multi-billion dollar business. No money, cant operate. That's what it's about.
It takes more then a club culture and traditions. It takes a lot more money then it used to, when those traditions and that culture was forged.
That is the reality when a football department needs $20 million to operate and be competitive.
That doesn't mean the club turns it's back on it's culture or traditions. Those things are very much a part of the way forward as they are of that clubs history.
Plus, that whole argument about the crows having no history is becoming redundant now anyway. The club is approaching 25 years of age. They have plenty of young members. lets not forget THE CROWS ARE A BIGGER CLUB THAN PORT. And before you say "well Port have over 100 years of history", that's great, but did ALL of Port's 52,000 current members hail from the blue collar origins of the original Port Adelaide? Hardly. We are talking the magpies here, not that mob with teal on their jumpers. Oh wait, I forgot, "One Club".
You're right, you did forget, because you're just a plain old idiot trying to appear intelligent on the subject of Port Adelaide, like most Camry Crowbots.
What you fail to understand, either through stupidity, ignorance, or just plain being a jackass, is that the Port Adelaide Football Club that was founded in 1870(it actually is older then the SANFL, another fact for you), left the SANFL when it joined the AFL, and changed from the "Magpies" to the "Power". The club didn't fold, and a new entity replace it. The club rebranded it self. For obvious reasons, it's called Collingwood Magpies. The Magpies which then existed in the SANFL concurrently with the Power, was on the wishes of the SANFL. Again, for obvious reasons. Port Adelaide cash cow, biggest club in the league, splitting the supporter base between Magpies and Power.
Eventually, as you say, the cows came home, and Port Adelaide said enough is enough, the right opportunity presented it self for something to be done, and it was done.

I hope I've educated you, and hopefully bits and pieces have stuck in your mind. Eventually, you will hear it enough times, and all the bits and pieces will stick in your mind. Putting them all in the correct order in a Crowbots mind though might require some doing though.
I also realise every AFL club sells 3-game memberships these days. Why wouldn't they? Its a great business model. But don't over-look the fact that almost 50% of your members don't have the commitment to buy a full 11-game membership. Again, what does that say about Port fans and their level of commitment to their club? Count up the numbers for 1 and 3 game crows memberships and compare those numbers to their 11-game memberships and see what the difference is.
LOL clutch at some smaller straws.
Am i getting you "revved" up yet rev?
Oh, I'm immensely revved up jackass.
FWIW, I really like Port Adelaide as an organisation.
No you don't. You are trying to save face now.
A bit too transparent. Like the lying and cheating your club is now renowned for with it's "clerical errors".
I think that their marketing is great, their pre-game entertainment is fantastic, and the Crows have a lot to learn from them in these areas. I just have sour grapes about the fact that you only see passion from Port fans when their team is doing well, and when its the case you'd think it had been happening for a million consecutive seasons.
The Crows should start trying to be original and do their own thing.
Copying Port by playing songs(non-club song) before a game, trying to have a mini concert like Ports post-game concerts, trying to have a "march to the oval" like Port does..just pathetic really.

Like I said, it's hard to copy and follow the leader when you don't even know what the leader is doing and why the leader is doing what they are doing.
Rev put it bluntly

your posts are near on unintelligible

All your clubs "original" ideas are copied from interstate or overseas, which is fairly normal all over the world, but apparently you didn't get the memo.

I admire your blind faith because your inability to articulate any thing other than petty insults reflects your real knowledge of matters outside who can piss the furthest.

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Re: Footbrawl (pointless arguments about the AFL)

#43 Post by Waewick » Fri May 30, 2014 10:36 pm

jk1237 wrote:come on now, grow up camries, don't dish it out if you can't take it, its rather lame
This kind of statement is equally as pathetic.

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Re: Footbrawl (pointless arguments about the AFL)

#44 Post by jk1237 » Sat May 31, 2014 1:02 pm

Waewick wrote:
jk1237 wrote:come on now, grow up camries, don't dish it out if you can't take it, its rather lame
This kind of statement is equally as pathetic.
oh dear - another pathetic post by the self righteous Waewick

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Re: Footbrawl (pointless arguments about the AFL)

#45 Post by Wayno » Sat May 31, 2014 2:31 pm

This is why we dissuade religion & footy from being discussed on S-A. Politics is ok, at least for the moment.

I give it 2 days and this thread will be locked...
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.

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