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Re: 7st Apartment complex for Mt Gambier

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:19 pm
by skyliner
Could a moderator change the title to 'APPROVED 7st APARTMENT COMPLEX FOR MT GAMBIER'.


Re: 7st Apartment complex for Mt Gambier

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 10:18 pm
by fabricator
skyliner wrote: Fabricator - Latest ABS growth rate projection for MG is 14% based on 24 450 in mid 2006 and linking to 2026 as 28 000.
Something like 0.7% per year, I haven't added the effect of compound growth though.
skyliner wrote: However I KNOW the population in 2006 was just over 23 000 (hometown) and is NOW a shade under 25 000 - so work that out. Quite adequate for the proposed complex I feel.
Roughly works out as 8.7% over 3 years, or 2.9% per year.

If the growth continues at 2.9% it will be over 36,000 by 2026. Which is 8,000 more than the prediction.
The effect of a country passenger train to Mt Gambier is going to change things as well, hard to predict but town growth can only go up as a result.

Re: 7st Apartment complex for Mt Gambier

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 5:59 pm
by skyliner
My thought exactly.

I forgot to add that the 24450 figure they used for mid 2006 was the figure about mid 2008.(I have personally quoted this somewhere on MG related threads before - from the ABS. Surprisingly this latest statistic is mistaken.


Wood Pellets Plant at Mount Gambier

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 1:01 pm
by rhino
From Adelaide Now:

Wood pellets plant at Mount Gambier

May 06, 2009 12:30pm

Work on South Australia's first plant to produce wood pellets from plantation waste is expected to start at Mount Gambier in September.
The plant will tap into the booming European market for compressed wood pellets for industrial or household use for power generation.
A development application for the Mount Gambier plant will be sent by Plantation Energy Australia to the District Council of Grant in about two weeks.
It coincides with an announcement by Plantation Energy that it had signed a three-year $70 million supply agreement with Belgium-based Electrabel NV, a subsidiary of GdF-Suez, Europe's largest power company.
Initial exports will be shipped from Albany, Western Australia, where it has built two production lines.
The agreement between Plantation Energy and Electrabel is the first of its kind in Australia.
Plantation Energy's business development manager Jarrod Waring said the Mount Gambier plant will make clean renewable energy pellets from non-commercial plantation forest residues.
The $25 million plant will employ 13 to 15 people permanently with about four times as many in the construction process.
The plant will produce 250,000 tonnes of pellets worth more than $60 million a year.
Plantation Energy is backed by leading United States-based global private equity firm Denham Capital through an equity investment of up to $108 million.

I wonder why they want to ship pellets made in Mount Gambier from Albany? I would have thought it would be a containerised cargo that could go out from any container port. But maybe it's a bulk cargo?

Re: Wood Pellets Plant at Mount Gambier

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 6:45 pm
by mooshie
this raises another question-
you mean to say that all of those compressed wood logs etc you can buy just about everywhere at the moment are imported?


Re: Wood Pellets Plant at Mount Gambier

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 5:15 pm
by skyliner
BUT.. WE get the plant!! Excellent for MG given all the carry on about Timbercorp at present. I wonder if they'll need the railway extended from Protavia pulp mill?


Re: Wood Pellets Plant at Mount Gambier

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 9:29 pm
by fabricator
Going to be interesting to see where the plan to build it, Mount Gambier being the sink hole capital of Australia.

Re: Wood Pellets Plant at Mount Gambier

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 2:44 pm
by skyliner
This is why MG has a such a flat built environment. However, there are places that are much more solid than others. (Not hard to find). On the other hand, met a caver down there who told me of seeing the floorboards of some bldg across the roof of a cave he was in - the day before he told me. ( not known about of course)! Nothing has fallen in anywhere in the city to my knowledge.

Excellent news for MG concerning the Mill.

With Reference tpo the 'Spitting Chips' article mentioned on the Lower South East Pulp Mill thread, saying there would be about 1000 more people in the SE, MG would stand to gain a large proportion of that. Add to that, families, and MG is looking at 26000 in a very short time. Pop. now a shade under 25000.


Mount Gambier Development & News

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 8:57 pm
by crawf
SA's second largest city will get a 2nd shopping complex aswell as a large homemaker centre.
Plans lodged for $50m shopping centre
Posted on June 23, 2009, 8:08am and updated on June 24, 2009 at 8:17 am

Supermarket giant Woolworths has lodged plans to build a $50m “market place shopping centre” on Mount Gambier’s northern gateway, which is expected to create 400 new jobs for the city.

The application lodged with Mount Gambier City Council unveils a bold blueprint to build a Woolworths supermarket, a Big W discount department store and speciality shops.

The 14,264m2 “state-of-the-art” development is one of two shopping centres planned for Penola Road, which will be the largest retail expenditure in the history of Mount Gambier.

Western Australian developer Saracen has foreshadowed pouring $100m into the shopping precinct on land adjacent the Woolworths development.

Saracen already has gained approval to build a bulky goods homemaker centre at the site, but has plans in the pipeline to build another large shopping centre.

According to the development application lodged by Woolworths owned company Fabcot Pty Ltd, the development will also include a pet store, 1650m2 of speciality stores and a 100m2 kiosk.

The development will have two access points from Penola Road and will include the construction of new public roads to link streets at the rear of the site.

The new shopping precinct will also include space for more than 700 car parks.

Re: #APP: $100m Retail Precinct | Mt Gambier

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 1:31 pm
by skyliner
Both good and bad aqspects here - good for employment and city growth (+flow ons) and has the advantage of the newly widened Penola Rd for access. Also a vote of confidence in the city.

Negatives - same as all such developments - impact on the businesses on the main St.(saw about 20 empty shops in the 1km long retail centre in 2004) A VERY vibrant centre until the big chain stores arrived. Higher rents in the new development may preclude some from moving there. Overall effects of such developments - blight on the main st, empty shops, digruntled business owners - unattractive to tourists going there. Last figures I have (2004) 80,000 a year. MG already has coles, Woolworths and the Blue Lake City shopping centre. Can MG stand another shopping centre and one of such scale? These things are usually linked to population/market predictions and bodes well for MG in that respect.

In the bigger picture MG has definite rumblings of progession and growth -
$20m old hospital redevelopment - two 6 storey bldgs and houses on the side of the volcano. Already there exists next to this site the 5 floor old nurses home developed into apartments. All still going ahead according to developer.
$30m proposed wood pellet mill.
Greater Mt Gambier Plan instituted.
Widening of Penola Rd to 4 lanes. Now all entry roads to MG are 4 lanes except White St.
$100m proposal for housing/retiremet village/new golf course on the westen edge of the city. Instigator of this one Mr Scott.
Redevelopment of the main CBD corner by removal of 4 shops running from this along Bay Rd and conversion to an extension of the cave gardens. (Current bldg a good example of blight - makes for a daggy part of town currently. The bldg is only about 50 years old as well).
Proximity to the $1.5bn Penola Pulp Mill - 40km away and still going ahead according to John Roche and Protavia.
The developers of this new shopping centre proposal would be aware of at least some of this and associated implications for the city.


Re: #APP: $100m Retail Precinct | Mt Gambier

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 8:48 pm
by crawf
Does Mt Gambier already have K mart and Target?, if so Mt Gambier would be the first SA city to have all 3 discount department stores. Not bad for a city of around 24,000 :)

Re: #APP: $100m Retail Precinct | Mt Gambier

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 8:50 am
by skyliner
I think it has a target. Haven't been on the usual checkup of the city developments since I was there in early 2004. BTW population mid 2006 was 24494 (ABS figures). Growth rate has been about 180 a year - close to 25000 now. Home town you see - lots of connections there.


ABS figure for MG 24928. Added 218 over 2007 - 8. Would now be over 25000. Interesting concerning the proposed retail precinct.


Re: #APP: $100m Retail Precinct | Mt Gambier

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 9:02 am
by Norman
I think they have a Target Country there, but don't hold my word against that.

Re: #APP: $100m Retail Precinct | Mt Gambier

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 10:25 pm
by crawf
Just checked the Yellow Pages online, and found out Mt Gambier does have a mainstream Target store. Nearby towns Naracourte and Millicent have Target Country stores.

It should also be noted that Bunnings opened a large warehouse in the city in the last 12-24 months, first store outside of Adelaide.

Re: #APP: $100m Retail Precinct | Mt Gambier

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 2:11 pm
by skyliner
Of interest to those following regional city develkopment - I have noted that 25000 is like an economic development threshold for the places of concern Once reached there appears self generation of the growth and facilities of all kinds - turning the said place into carrying many 'city' characteristics. Eg More than one golf course, bigger sporting facilities, outlying suburbs and shopping centres,(like the one for this thread), big city department stores in the town CBD, many 4 lane roads, Target, bunnings etc etc turn up. MG is at this point now. Will be interesting to watch.