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A Congestion Tax...Would It Work in Adelaide?

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:21 pm
by PeFe
Should the SA state government implement a congestion tax on the Adealide CBD and use the resultant monies on infrastructure projects?
For example driving through the CBD (maybe the boundary should be the 4 terraces) at peak hour would incur a $2 toll.As well the tax on all day carparking would be drastically increased with all the money going to fund public transport infrastructure. The Adelaide CBD sems to have an extraordinary amount of it's prime real estate dedicated to carparks (maybe somebody can illuminate me on the actual amount and percentage compared to other Australin cities). These carparks fill the streets to the brim with cars at peak hour but otherwise the streets return to an emptiness and quietness that the Amish would surely enjoy.
Your thoughts.....

Re: A Congestion Tax...Would It Work in Adelaide?

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 12:05 am
by Will
If you want to make the CBD a ghost town, then pursue this option. The advent of paid parking has already driven thousands of shoppers to the big suburban malls. Placing another inconvenience into coming into the CBD, will only destroy retail and hospitality in the city.

Furthermore, not only is Adelaide not big enough for a congestion tax, but we are also supposedly a land of freedom. I am sick of the rise of the nanny state. I should not be forced to use public trnasport if I do not want to.

Re: A Congestion Tax...Would It Work in Adelaide?

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:34 am
by Norman
Yeah, Adelaide is way too small for something like this. Our CBD roads are empty enough as it is

Re: A Congestion Tax...Would It Work in Adelaide?

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 8:23 am
by Nathan
Will wrote:Furthermore, not only is Adelaide not big enough for a congestion tax, but we are also supposedly a land of freedom. I am sick of the rise of the nanny state. I should not be forced to use public trnasport if I do not want to.
A congestion tax does not equal nanny state, and disincentive to drive does not equal forced to use public transport.

I agree that a congestion tax won't work for Adelaide unless we see a radically different CBD in the future, but let's drop the freedom fighting hyperbole.

Re: A Congestion Tax...Would It Work in Adelaide?

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 11:25 am
by [Shuz]

Re: A Congestion Tax...Would It Work in Adelaide?

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 6:46 pm
by claybro
We do not have adequate enough public transport to even consider it.