Better Design/Architecture

Ideas and concepts of what Adelaide can be.
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Better Design/Architecture

#1 Post by rev » Sat Aug 19, 2017 7:16 am

While I think we would all like to see a taller city, and more taller buildings would make a big impact, I also think better design of non-tall buildings would make just as big an impact if not bigger.
There's an abomination which stands out on the western side of the skyline, the student accommodation building on Waymouth street.
While there was a pretty nice building proposed on North Tce that was knocked back and watered down as a result.
How does something so ugly get approved(let alone find financing lol), but something much more appealing to the eye get rejected?

When was the last time Adelaide was truly on the world stage? When we hosted a Formula 1 event that was as famous for it's "end of season party atmosphere for teams" as it was for being one of the best street circuits. We used to be known festival state. Other cities, Melbourne in particular, have caught up. Even soulless Perth has arts festivals. We were the premier state for arts and such.
We want to attract more tourists to our city obviously.
Wouldn't having better architecture/design, interesting, futuristic, buildings and public places, draw people here? Would it not change the image and perception of Adelaide?

Here's a few examples..
I'll start with this..imagine something along these lines, that isn't a visual eyesore during the day and only comes to life at night when the lights go on(such as the light display on the HJ's car park) good would it look if something like this, was on the southern end of Victoria Square as part of the redevelopment, that was lit up appropriately with images for different significant times, like Christmas, Australia Day, Anzac Day, Proclamation Day...


or something like this as a concert hall or museum with the exterior being lit up like a giant led screen..








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Re: Better Design/Architecture

#2 Post by Goodsy » Sat Aug 19, 2017 9:46 am


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Re: Better Design/Architecture

#3 Post by [Shuz] » Sat Aug 19, 2017 10:35 am

Jee there really is no pleasing some people.

Adelaide has had some great developments go up in recent memory.

SAHMRI, UoA & UniSA medical buidlings, Adelaide Oval, SA Water, Convention Centre expansions, Ibis, Rundle Place, Vue, Victoria Square... there the ones I can think off the top of my head, I'm sure there's more.

Plus we have a great stash of heritage and historic buildings.

And we are still the Festival State - the Fringe is the 2nd biggest in the world and comes with an amazing atmosphere.
Any views and opinions expressed are of my own, and do not reflect the views or opinions of any organisation of which I have an affiliation with.

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Re: Better Design/Architecture

#4 Post by rev » Sat Aug 19, 2017 11:22 am

To be pleased is to be content.
We should be striving for better.

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