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Re: SA State Election 2022

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 10:08 am
by rev
Nort wrote:
Thu Mar 24, 2022 8:32 am
Politicians shouldn't be overpaid, but at the same time they should be paid at similar levels to any other public servant at their level of seniority.

People under financial stress are more susceptible to blackmail and bribery.
And that's why you have an ICAC with teeth, that's why you have laws/rules/regulations, measures in place to prevent that.

It should be illegal for any political donations. Especially from corporate firms. It's not at the moment, and that just illustrates how flawed and corrupt it all is.

The state should allocate funds for a candidate to run. And that should be the only money available.

Re: SA State Election 2022

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 11:13 am
by rev
Will wrote:
Wed Mar 23, 2022 11:44 pm
I’m not following your argument. By your definition, everyone who earns a 6 figure salary is not a commoner. Likewise anyone who attended a private school is also not a commoner. We live in an aspirational society, whereby a significant portion of society would be deemed inappropriate to sit in parliament according to your definitions. Earning $100k in modern Australia doesn’t make you rich.
Our politicians aren't earning 100k, they're earning a lot more then that. And I never said 100k makes you rich.
I also never said that earning a certain amount should preclude someone from running for public office. I am saying those in public office should not be paid 6 figure salaries nor should their staff.
The very fact that you try to defend what goes on, because we are an aspirational society, is a good clue into your overall views/mentality.
You're basically confirming what I'm saying and/or alluding to, in that you think that because we are an aspirational society that it is acceptable for people (99% already well off or wealthy) to aspire to enter politics to enrich them selves further.

You also said that its the 6 figure salary that attracts the most talented. I disagree.
They lack the talent to run the state. If they had the talent required, South Australia wouldn't have the highest unemployment rate, it wouldn't be loosing people in the so called "brain drain" again.
Malinauskas is not some entitled rich kid from old money. He is the product of European refugees from world war 2. What is wrong with people working hard and sending their children to a private school? What is your exact problem with this? I went to a private school you would probably class as ‘elite’, but I can guarantee you most of the guys I went to school with, were there because their parents sacrificed a lot to send them there. My parents sacrificed their weekends, holidays, new cars to send me there. We were definitely not rich. Are you projecting your own resentment and envy here?
Again, I never said he is from old money.
I'm well aware of who his parents were.
Did I say there's anything wrong with working hard and sending your kids to a private school?
Why would I be envious or have resentment? I went to private schools as well.
Furthermore, I would rather someone like this leads us than someone who quit school in year 10, wasted their youth with the wrong crowd and now stacks shelves at Woolies in the 40s.
Ah, so the bloke stacking shelves at woolies is no good, because he's in his 40s and working in a super market. But the bloke who went to a snobby school, whose wife is partners in a snobby law firm, is the better choice. So, what are you projecting here now Will? Your new found elitism?

What if the bloke in his 40's at Woolies has more integrity, a back bone, and can relate to the average South Australian? You know, because he is an average South Australian...
Are you suggesting we should only elect people on welfare or undertaking unskilled manual work to top office, just because they are a battler and know how tough it is? I’m sure they know how tough it is, but because they continue to struggle, I can’t see how they would govern well, other than instituting populist yet ultimately damaging policies.
That's not what I said at all, again.

My argument is, and has been for a long time, that our politicians and their staff are over paid. They have too many staffers, too many perks.

You think that someone who dropped out of high school, isn't worthy of being elected to parliament. You think that someone who works in a supermarket isn't worthy.
Only private school educated people should be elected right?

That person who dropped out of high school, could have dropped out because his single mother was the sole income earner and fell ill. Maybe he dropped out of high school in year 10 so he can get a job to provide for his family? Maybe the 40 year old bloke you saw stacking the shelves at Woolies was working there since he dropped out of school and is now a manager who was willing to do that because the store was short staffed that day? Maybe he's even stacking shelves at Woolies as a second job to make ends meet?
But that wouldn't stop you passing judgement on what you saw at first glance.
You wouldn't vote for the bloke because he didn't get a private school education. Extremely snobbish and elitist mentality there Will, I did not expect that from you.

I'd have more faith in the person whose struggled, who understands the difficulties in life, whose had to make sacrifices, over the person whose been sent to private schools his whole life (because his parents sacrificed, not him), whose married into new money, and has not lived a life filled with struggles. I mean, what's their biggest struggle, what designer dress shoes match the rest of their outfit?

They are there to serve the people, in public office, not enrich them selves.
How are they able to serve the people when they've clearly lost touch with the average person, their constituents?

You know who was a great politician? Mick Atkinson. He went out of his way to stay connected with his community and constituents. He often fought for them.
What's Malinauskas done for his community and constituents since he took over the seat of Croydon from Mick? Nothing. We don't hear so much as a peep from him, unless it's election time. Then your letterbox is filled with his junk mail.

If Peter wants to be a great leader, I suggest he get in contact with Mick, learn how to be in touch with your community, how to represent them and advocate for their rights and issues like Mick did very often.
Mick used to show up to a lot of community events, in a very low key manner. He was always there, always available for the people. It wasn't just at election times, like most politicians, he was always there, always around, always had time for the constituents he represented. For years and years. The bloke was genuine.

Re: SA State Election 2022

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 12:04 pm
by Nathan
rev wrote:
Thu Mar 24, 2022 11:13 am
You know who was a great politician? Mick Atkinson. He went out of his way to stay connected with his community and constituents. He often fought for them.
Michael Atkinson was a condescending arsehole. I disagreed with him once on re-opening Barton Tce being a priority (not on doing it at all, just on it not being as important as he made it), and he made insinuations about how I must only have been on the electoral roll for less than a month and that people like me tend to leave the neighbourhood quickly, while purposely misconstruing my comments about other local projects. Never mind his long standing nonsense about banning R rated media. He is not missed.

Re: SA State Election 2022

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 9:09 pm
by Jaymz
The new Premier has decided to recycle Tom Koutsantonis into the position of Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, also Minister for Mining and Energy. I realise he was the shadow Minister, but this MP is not cut out for these important roles. By that I really mean, he's incompetent :roll:

SA State Election 2022

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 9:12 pm
by Vasco
Jaymz wrote:The new Premier has decided to recycle Tom Koutsantonis into the position of Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, also Minister for Mining and Energy. I realise he was the shadow Minister, but this MP is not cut out for these important roles. By that I really mean, he's incompetent :roll:
I used to drive Uber and picked up an energy economist from interstate who was in town for a major conference. We got talking about energy issues etc and he said that Tom was one of the most knowledgeable political minds on Energy in the country. He mentioned was impartial and did not subscribe to a particular political viewpoint.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: SA State Election 2022

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 9:13 pm
by [Shuz]
Tom is the current longest serving member of Parliament. Transport and Infrastructure is basically the next highest portfolio behind Tresuary, I'm not surprised he's in this role.

Re: SA State Election 2022

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 9:19 pm
by Jaymz
If this new hydrogen plant ever gets built, and I mean IF they are dumb enough to do it....I can't wait to sit back and watch the clusterf%ck it turns into. It'll almost be funny, if they weren't using tax payers money to build and run it.

Leave that experimental stuff to the private sector, who actually put their own money on the line.

SA State Election 2022

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 9:22 pm
by Vasco
Jaymz wrote:If this new hydrogen plant ever gets built, and I mean IF they are dumb enough to do it....I can't wait to sit back and watch the clusterf%ck it turns into. It'll almost be funny, if they weren't using tax payers money to build and run it.

Leave that experimental stuff to the private sector, who actually put their own money on the line.
Liberals bashed the battery plant whilst in opposition, but were happy to praise it / the idea once in government.

And it’s ok for the Federal Coalition to shovel money towards any concept that favours their mates and call it ‘can do capitalism’ ??

Your political bias reeks.

Keep this type of emoji (Image) for your tinder conversations also.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: SA State Election 2022

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2022 10:16 am
by Nort
Jaymz wrote:
Thu Mar 24, 2022 9:19 pm
If this new hydrogen plant ever gets built, and I mean IF they are dumb enough to do it....I can't wait to sit back and watch the clusterf%ck it turns into. It'll almost be funny, if they weren't using tax payers money to build and run it.

Leave that experimental stuff to the private sector, who actually put their own money on the line.
The history of these things pretty much always involves governments leading the way.

Re: SA State Election 2022

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2022 11:05 am
by rev
There's already been investment into hydrogen at the federal level, in over 2 dozen projects.
They also estimate it could be worth $10 billion annually in exports by 2040.

Why should SA miss out on that? ... ower-plant ... ern-downs/ ... lants.html ... ttery-lavo

Re: SA State Election 2022

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2022 4:44 pm
by Jaymz
They are paid too much.
Their pay should be in line with the rest of society, and so should their pension.
With regards to politicians salary, I always ask what price I put on my privacy. Once an MP gets into a high profile position, their private life then becomes fodder for the media and they will dig up anything from the past and present to get a story. In effect, they are opening up their life to public scrutiny, even the smallest of things can get turned into a scandal. Many of these politicians could actually earn more in the private sector.

Re: SA State Election 2022

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2022 5:24 pm
by [Shuz]
Politicians only earn more in the private sector, just because they were a politician. Companies like taking advantage of their connections and getting inside access into governments. It's all jobs for mates.

Re: SA State Election 2022

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 11:28 am
by cmet
Some of the comments on here are hilarious. I highly doubt many politicians get into it for the money, there is a LOT more money to be made in the private sector, in finance, management, law etc. In none of these positions are you under the same scrutiny as a senior politician. The reality is these jobs need to be paid well to attract people with certain skills. Our PM makes less money than half the bankers walking down Martin Place, trust me, there are better ways to make $ than entering politics.

Re: SA State Election 2022

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 12:43 pm
by rubberman
cmet wrote:
Sun Mar 27, 2022 11:28 am
Some of the comments on here are hilarious. I highly doubt many politicians get into it for the money, there is a LOT more money to be made in the private sector, in finance, management, law etc. In none of these positions are you under the same scrutiny as a senior politician. The reality is these jobs need to be paid well to attract people with certain skills. Our PM makes less money than half the bankers walking down Martin Place, trust me, there are better ways to make $ than entering politics.
Really? Billion dollar rorts don't come easily outside politics. The well documented $90m going to a Federal Minister's family company? A senior Minister having a property portfolio of over $50m? Another Federal Minister getting a cool anonymous donation of a million?

Tell me about these better ways of making $.

Re: SA State Election 2022

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 12:50 pm
by gnrc_louis
rubberman wrote:
Sun Mar 27, 2022 12:43 pm
cmet wrote:
Sun Mar 27, 2022 11:28 am
Some of the comments on here are hilarious. I highly doubt many politicians get into it for the money, there is a LOT more money to be made in the private sector, in finance, management, law etc. In none of these positions are you under the same scrutiny as a senior politician. The reality is these jobs need to be paid well to attract people with certain skills. Our PM makes less money than half the bankers walking down Martin Place, trust me, there are better ways to make $ than entering politics.
Really? Billion dollar rorts don't come easily outside politics. The well documented $90m going to a Federal Minister's family company? A senior Minister having a property portfolio of over $50m? Another Federal Minister getting a cool anonymous donation of a million?

Tell me about these better ways of making $.
Federal politics urgently needs an ICAC.