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The weird, wacky and wonderful...

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 9:22 am
by cruel_world00
I thought we should have a thread for those ideas that you think are a little more rough/out there/left of centre.

The other day I was thinking about an iconic tower that could feature on the Adelaide sky line. These days observation towers are a thing of the past due to their lack of revenue and multipurpose skyscrapers (see Melbourne) are a lot more viable.

Contrary to this, I was thinking, imagine we had a massive tower shaped like this:

During the day it would have the ability to constantly change colours (get the fusion guys onto that), but at night time, it would be a lit up as a single colour depending on what sort of Awareness month it was. Pink - Breast Cancer, Red - AIDS, Blue - Prostate Cancer etc... I'm sure there are numerous charities that would fill the calendar.

On the inside there would be two options to ride up the tower. One would be a normal every day observation car that stays completely upright the entire time and goes from one side to the other. The other option would be for the thrill seekers that goes around it like a show ride - upside down and everything etc.

Admission would be split; half to the charity of the month, half to the maintenance and upkeep of the tower.

Location wise it could really go anywhere, but the taller the better. The bottom could be filled with cafes, usual touristy stuff etc.

I know it's all pie in the sky, hippy dippy shit, but it's a nice thought.

Anyone got any crazy ideas that they want to share?

Re: The weird, wacky and wonderful...

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 10:26 am
by Shuz
That's just wacky, but its nice. A permanent symbol to charitable causes.

I've visioned that if Adelaide should get a new innercity multipurpose stadium, it should be something iconic. And whats more Iconic than an egg-shaped stadium? No-ones done it before.

Imagine this: A hard-boiled egg, and you take a scoop out of it, so it creates a "bowl", well - apply same logic to new stadium (except with seats and a field), but the exterior is polished off in a smooth surface resemblant to an egg. Now I think that'd look pretty cool and would be a landmark in itself.

Re: The weird, wacky and wonderful...

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 10:55 am
by Wayno
Shuz wrote:That's just wacky, but its nice. A permanent symbol to charitable causes.

I've visioned that if Adelaide should get a new innercity multipurpose stadium, it should be something iconic. And whats more Iconic than an egg-shaped stadium? No-ones done it before.

Imagine this: A hard-boiled egg, and you take a scoop out of it, so it creates a "bowl", well - apply same logic to new stadium (except with seats and a field), but the exterior is polished off in a smooth surface resemblant to an egg. Now I think that'd look pretty cool and would be a landmark in itself.
and the egg-shaped stadium stadium is held erect by several pillars shaped like giant "toast soldiers"!

Re: The weird, wacky and wonderful...

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 3:23 pm
by Omicron
A charity-themed tower? Pshaw. I am yet to be burdened with a social conscience, you see. :wink:

Re: The weird, wacky and wonderful...

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 3:58 pm
by Prince George
I had a notion, prompted by an interview I saw with Will Alsop to combine something like the Rundle Lantern with fibre optics and make a hybrid hairy-building / fantasia-lamp. The fibres would be long, say a foot or two, so they'd drape down and move in the breeze like a meadow. The light source for the fibre bundles could still be controlled, but you'd give up any notion of being able to show a specific picture as you can't predict what the motion of the fibres will be. Even in the day, the motion of the fibres would be an interesting break from the otherwise static buildings, it would be a little like a flapper dress.

Re: The weird, wacky and wonderful...

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 5:46 pm
by fasterthanlids
Prince George wrote:I had a notion, prompted by an interview I saw with Will Alsop to combine something like the Rundle Lantern with fibre optics and make a hybrid hairy-building / fantasia-lamp. The fibres would be long, say a foot or two, so they'd drape down and move in the breeze like a meadow. The light source for the fibre bundles could still be controlled, but you'd give up any notion of being able to show a specific picture as you can't predict what the motion of the fibres will be. Even in the day, the motion of the fibres would be an interesting break from the otherwise static buildings, it would be a little like a flapper dress.
Good idea. Imagine the marketing opportunities for the city with something big and hairy and the malls balls! Adelaide: Hairy city with balls!