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Vision: Parklands

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:50 pm
by peachy
Hi all,

I've come up with some ideas of things that could go well in the under used areas of the parklands. I feel the Parklands have the potential to become Adelaide's iconic tourist attraction and at the same time really embed itself into the everyday lives and culture of all Adelaideans. I've submitted them to the 5000plus website, so below i've just included a brief summary of what the idea is and put it with a link to the 5000plus website where you can see the idea in more detail if it catches your interest. If you like my ideas why not vote for it on the 5000plus or leave a comment there (or here) and maybe the gov will take notice.

Cheers - Intro - fill the unused parts of the parklands with natural settings, formal gardens, play areas, community gardens, art, etc. to make the most of them for Adelaideans and visitors alike. - Open air art gallery - statue park - based on a similar thing I saw in Vigeland Park, Oslo, Norway. - Formal gardens - european in design - based on formal gardens in France and England etc. - Community gardens - where city dwellers can come and grow vegies/flowers/etc. - Natural setting - perhaps put some Kangaroos or the like in it. - Formal gardens - asian in design - based on formal gardens in Japan and China etc. - Play areas - including a maze, a fort, racing slides, imaginative themed playgrounds, not generic playgrounds - Formal gardens - southern asian in design - based on formal gardens in India and South East Asia etc. - Open air art gallery - various mediums - could include sections with mosaic art, plant art, light art, sound art, water art, etc. (more the non traditional forms of art) - Natural setting - perhaps a bush like setting with a community garden to teach people how to grow edible or aesthetic natives plants. - Formal gardens - Mediterranean in design - based on formal gardens in Spain and Italy etc. - Open air art gallery - sculpture park - fill with abstract sculptures of all different sizes, material, design. - Natural setting - perhaps a forest setting with a mountain bike track and adventure park.

Re: Vision: Parklands

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:48 am
by Wayno
What's needed is for the State Govt (or Fed?) to provide a steady cash flow for the park lands. Then most of what you suggest can be done with ease. Not sure how much cash would be required (probably $1m per annum to cover a grounds keeping staff, equipment, capital expenses, blah). Imagine lush greenery from corner to corner - would be so cool...

The ACC should build a business case, promote widely, and sell to the govt. Then again maybe they're conflicted? perhaps another body should compile such a case (Business SA, Tourism SA, our the govt themselves?).

The increased tourism factor (more tourists lingering longer) would more than cover costs.

Re: Vision: Parklands

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:13 pm
by crawf
It's not really fair that the Adelaide City Council has to pick up the entire bill towards looking after the Parklands, when it's used by ratepayers in suburbs like Rose Park or Kent Town etc. So what should happen is those councils bordering the parklands and the State Government should allocate money towards maintenance or we just merge all the central councils into one mega council, then there will be much more money that can be used to upgrade and beautify the parklands to their full potential.

Really good ideas btw peachy :)

Re: Vision: Parklands

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:22 pm
by peachy
Agree with you both about funding. It's obvious the Parklands benefit the state and all city councils but i think the Feds should chip in a bit as well given they think it's worthy of National heritage listing. The parklands have the potential to be a national icon, similar to sydney harbour, if the right amount of planning and money is put into them (which the tourism dollars, global recognition and change in Adelaide's sometimes negative psyche should more than compensate).

The 5000plus project could be interesting as it's suppose to involve Fed, State and all councils bordering with ACC in the future of Adelaide city design. That's why i thought submitting my ideas there might turn all levels of gov's attention to improving the parklands. If lots of people vote for my ideas or similar parkland ideas on the site they should take notice. So get your friends to vote :wink: