South Australia......A State of Whingers?

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South Australia......A State of Whingers?

#1 Post by PeFe » Fri May 30, 2014 4:28 pm

A really well thought out opinion piece from Colin James of The Advertiser.
Colin James: Welcome to South Australia, the state of whingers
ImageJubilant Port Adelaide fans enjoying the victory against Hawthorn at Adelaide Oval. Picture: Sarah Reed Source: News Corp Australia

TO all those who whinged about Adelaide Oval and the Torrens footbridge, you were totally, absolutely, deadset wrong. And I have 52,232 new mates ready to back me up.

For that’s how many people, not counting me, were at the Oval last Saturday night to watch the thriller between Port Adelaide and reigning AFL premiers Hawthorn.

I am sure that if you ask any of them what they thought of the new stadium they would give it a resounding thumbs up. It was my first visit there and I tell you what, I thought it was brilliant, a masterstroke - for the city and the state.

For the past five years it has been one of my jobs here at The Advertiser to moderate online comments posted by readers about the Oval, the footbridge, the new RAH, the SAMRI building and other major projects within the metropolitan area.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I am a firm believer in free speech. But to say it has, at times, been a soul-destroying job would be a huge understatement. The negativity and constant whinging by complaining, small-minded and disgruntled individuals apparently resistant to change or significant investment in infrastructure has, at times, drained my confidence in the state. It was like they were just going online to whinge for the sake of whinging.

Yes, the projects have cost considerable money which we may not have. Yes, they have left us in debt. Yes, there may have been other priorities like roads or country hospitals - as there always will be. Yes, there may be discontent over the sale of the South East forests. Yes, there has been some political angst, community upheaval and economic heartache.

But what are we meant to do, just stay still, stagnate and let the rest of the country - and the world - embrace progress while we feel sorry for ourselves and ponder what could have been? If governments listened to the thousands of comments I have processed they would be paralysed by fear, no decisions would be made, nothing would happen.

In recent months I have been fortunate to see how Auckland, in New Zealand, has completely transformed itself through events such as the World Rugby Cup and the America’s Cup. Most striking was the overhaul of its entire rail system, including electrification. Trains now go right into the heart into the city through an underground network. That took bold thinking - and courageous decision-making.

I was sent to Darwin a couple of months ago for work, where the scale of investment in major projects is mindblowing, including the construction of a 800-km gas pipeline. While there are some legitimate ecological concerns, the projects are being embraced as providers of job opportunities, new income and economic stimulus. The locals are thrilled with what is happening. They are not whinging.

COLIN JAMES: Twelve reasons to fall in love with Darwin

In Sydney there is a huge multibillion-dollar project underway on the edge of Darling Harbour where James Packer is building his new casino as part of the creation of a brand new waterfront suburb called Barangaroo.

Are there people across the nation’s biggest city whinging about the project or any of the other major developments underway, from toll roads to vast new residential estates? The answer from what could I see was a resounding no.

Like any big project in Sydney the majority of people are excited about what new opportunities Barangaroo will bring. In the birthplace of our nation they willingly accept change. For them it is a part of life. It has been constantly happening since the arrival of the First Fleet in Botany Bay in 1788.

Fans flood over the new Torrens footbridge for the first AFL match at the newly renovated Adelaide Oval between Adelaide and Port Adelaide. Picture: Calum Robertson

But here, in South Australia, we have perfected the art of moaning, of resisting change, of obstructing progress. It has got to the point some people are afraid to speak out online in fear of being savaged by the cowardly trolls on social media who thrive on negativity.

Well, to all you out there just waiting to jump on now and start whinging I have only one message, I’m not afraid to say what I think. You can get stuffed. I am over your whining, your constant harping, your determination to hold South Australia back.

Do yourselves - and the rest of us - a favour and bury your prejudices. Find something else to do with your time rather than just post nasty, vindictive and negative remarks. Do what I did and actually walk down to the Torrens, go across the footbridge and watch an AFL game in a packed-out stadium. It is an incredible experience in an amazing venue.

If you walk down through Hindley St you will see it packed to the rafters. Side-street food vendors have queues for their products, new kerbside seating created by the city council is fully occupied, bars and restaurants are bustling, there are thousands of people walking to the Oval, the footbridge is heaving.

Once inside, the stands are packed, hundreds are standing behind the posts on the Hill, the noise is deafening. Everything you need is handy. Toilets, bars, food stalls. Nothing is far away. Even at total capacity the place ticks over without any significant issues. It is fantastic.

Okay, the bridge gets totally crammed after the game as thousands cross the Torrens back to the city. But you don’t have to leave the Oval straight away. There are plenty of spots to catch up with mates to debrief until the numbers thin. Linger and enjoy the vibe.

Thousands of fans leave Adelaide Oval after the first game Adelaide and Port Adelaide. Picture: Calum Robertson

And if the bridge being crammed is an issue just go up King William St where a flotilla of buses are waiting to transport fans - for free. It really isn’t the issue some people seem determined to make it. Just be patient, you will get home. And, I repeat, for free.

So far, since the first AFL game was played at the Oval between the Crows and Port Adelaide on Saturday, March 29, a total of 410,565 football fans have walked through its turnstiles to support their teams. That is almost half a million people. By the end of the season it will have passed one million.

As the commentators on Fox Sports kept saying last Saturday night, the Oval has, without doubt, breathed new life into the city. One of them implored interstate fans to book flights to ensure they saw their teams play at the new stadium, suggesting they could take in a day trip to the Barossa Valley. A jovial colleague responded by saying they should forget the Barossa and just head to Hindley St where they were guaranteed to find something to keep them entertained.

This is exactly what the Oval can do for Adelaide - and the state. It can put us back on the map. Any publicity is good publicity. Televised shots of packed-out grandstands, roaring crowds and jubilant fans convey a sense of excitement, of action, of achievement.

Getting involved, enjoying that experience isn’t that hard. Get yourself a ticket to the next game at Adelaide Oval. Even if you don’t like AFL get there and check it out. You won’t be disappointed. It is a tremendous sporting venue.

Then, if you can, do me a favour. The next time someone you know moans online about Adelaide tell them it’s time they got out more. Or, at the very least, had a decent look around at what’s been happening, how the place has changed. Then, hopefully, they might just stop using the internet to whinge. If they do I will be eternally grateful. Thanks.

The Torrens footbridge when it was under construction. Picture: Matt Turner ... 6934704444

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Re: South Australia......A State of Whingers?

#2 Post by Waewick » Fri May 30, 2014 5:46 pm

A whinging story about whingers.

Enough said.

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South Australia......A State of Whingers?

#3 Post by Dog » Fri May 30, 2014 7:52 pm

For god sake what a bunch of Johnny come lately's the Advertiser, along with their Liberal mates took every opportunity to rubbish the Oval, the foot bridge, the tram extension from day one. They only came on board when it all proved to be a resounding success.

No matter what's proposed in Adelaide this paper politicised it, digs up an opposition even if there is not one. They are a far bigger hindrance to the development of SA than any thing I can think of.

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Re: South Australia......A State of Whingers?

#4 Post by Waewick » Fri May 30, 2014 10:41 pm

Dog wrote:For god sake what a bunch of Johnny come lately's the Advertiser, along with their Liberal mates took every opportunity to rubbish the Oval, the foot bridge, the tram extension from day one. They only came on board when it all proved to be a resounding success.

No matter what's proposed in Adelaide this paper politicised it, digs up an opposition even if there is not one. They are a far bigger hindrance to the development of SA than any thing I can think of.

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And there is lies your problem Dog.

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Re: South Australia......A State of Whingers?

#5 Post by Will » Sat May 31, 2014 10:29 am

Good article, however Dog has a point. Usually the biggest whinger in the state is the Advertiser.

I have always said that the worst thing about SA is the mentality of the residents, whereby the whinge when nothing happens, and when something actually happens they have a whinge about that too..... :wallbash:

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Re: South Australia......A State of Whingers?

#6 Post by Phantom » Sat May 31, 2014 11:41 am

The Advertiser... I'm sure they come onto here, and often find their "whingers" when literally two people bring up points of constructive criticism about a new development.

If those clowns over at AdelaideNow are reading this, perhaps your next article could be about this fun little word?

1. using words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning; containing or exemplifying irony: an ironic novel; an ironic remark.
2. of, pertaining to, or tending to use irony or mockery; ironical.
3. coincidental; unexpected: It was ironic that I was seated next to my ex-husband at the dinner.

Origin: 1620–30; < Late Latin ?r?nicus < Greek eir?nikós dissembling, insincere.
If that isn't good enough for a story, how about the word "typical"?
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Re: South Australia......A State of Whingers?

#7 Post by ml69 » Sat May 31, 2014 3:39 pm

Will wrote:I have always said that the worst thing about SA is the mentality of the residents, whereby the whinge when nothing happens, and when something actually happens they have a whinge about that too..... :wallbash:
Spot on, Will.

But it's mainly a vocal minority who are the morons who post on Adelaide Now .... I honestly believe that the majority of the population want us to progress and move forward.

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