What to do with those blank walls

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What to do with those blank walls

#1 Post by Prince George » Tue Jul 28, 2009 11:06 am

Nobody likes big blank walls, but the building codes (or economics) require them in many situations. There was some talk on the Freedom Apartments thread wondering if there could be some sort of LCD display up on that wall, but that the possibility that it would have to be removed is a big disincentive. By coincidence, today Engadget had an article about a spectacular animation projected onto a bland building face,which struck me as coming close to solving that problem - with projection there's less to remove from the building as there was less installed in the first place. Of course, it's only visible at night, but drawing at least some benefit from those blank walls is a start ...

Will Derwent
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Re: What to do with those blank walls

#2 Post by Will Derwent » Tue Jul 28, 2009 2:14 pm

Try telling me that this doesn't grab your attention. Or look better than a blank brick wall.


(Photo sourced from flickr.com - http://www.flickr.com/photos/xnmeme/247653799/)

This of course would be one of the cheapest options for filling the space, but it's not necessarily the only option. The space would also permit something much bigger in scale than the Rundle Lantern, provided that a company was interested in stumping up the funds for the project.

The real question is if a company proposed a set of three advertising billboards on that scale, would the ACC be opposed to the project?

(And the billboard doesn't necessarily have to be a photo of a semi-naked woman, of course.)

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Re: What to do with those blank walls

#3 Post by Wayno » Tue Jul 28, 2009 2:28 pm

correct me if i'm wrong, but SA has a plethora of Arts students (as well as many unstudied graffiti experts) who would jump at the opportunity of 'prettying up' some blank cbd walls.

Mod art, trompe l'oeil, and/or painted forestry scenes, etc would look great in many places around the city. Cost - naff all; Affect - Priceless.
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.

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