News & Discussion: Adelaide Development Plan Amendment 2012

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Re: Premier and PCA to launch CBD Vision : City of Lights vi

#271 Post by SRW » Wed Apr 04, 2012 2:34 pm

Whoa. That's a broad list of recommendations. These immediately jumped out at me:
[*]Action 2.3.2 Require adjacent Councils to contribute towards the cost of Park Lands improvement according to “user pays” principles.
[*]Action 3.1.3 Commit to a light rail connection from the central City to the interstate rail terminal and the airport.
Which are items (among others) that have long been advocated on Sensational-Adelaide.

I guess I can forgo getting any work done this afternoon -- that document is calling me.

What's the Government's position?
Last edited by SRW on Wed Apr 04, 2012 3:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Premier and PCA to launch CBD Vision : City of Lights vi

#272 Post by duke » Wed Apr 04, 2012 3:04 pm

SRW wrote: Which are items that have long been advocated on Sensational-Adelaide.

It feels like they have been trawling the forums for policy ideas :D

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Re: Premier and PCA to launch CBD Vision : City of Lights vi

#273 Post by skyliner » Wed Apr 04, 2012 4:30 pm

Fantastic report - by far the most comprehensive I've seen since the City of Adelaide Plan back in 1975. MUCH, MUCHmore encouraging - it's like the blinkers have been removed.

The city tram loop option 1 stood out to me - a good route. Having an option two even better, and better still, including a link to the interstate Rail Terminal - very isolated from the CBD. I would have preferred a line down Goodger, but Franklin is developing fast.

Finally on to the laneways idea as well!

The idea of as riverbank like that in Brisbane excites me. Heaps of people go there continuously.

Great days ahead! :D :D :D


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Re: Premier and PCA to launch CBD Vision : City of Lights vi

#274 Post by mattblack » Wed Apr 04, 2012 11:12 pm

Ben wrote:
Transport guru Fred Hansen appointed to help revitalise Adelaide's suburbs

by: Political Reporter Daniel Wills
From: AdelaideNow April 04, 2012 10:14AM

A PUBLIC transport guru will oversee the development and renewal of Adelaide's suburbs.

Premier Jay Weatherill today announced former Thinker in Residence Fred Hansen will head the state's Urban Renewal Authority.

Mr Hansen was heavily involved with transport-oriented developments in Portland, Oregon, a US city regarded as a world leader in public transport.

The Urban Renewal Authority will be responsible for the Bowden development, the Port Adelaide Waterfront overhaul and projects such as Woodville West on the Grange train line.

It will bring together agencies responsible for land and housing development, including the Land Management Corporation, Defence SA and Housing SA.

"Mr Hansen is recognised as a world leader in current thinking about transport and planning. He has lectured and participated on panels throughout the US and around the world," Mr Weatherill said.

"He has carried the message that land use and transportation must be fully integrated if we are to address the mobility needs of our communities in an era of global climate change."

Mr Weatherill said there were 26 "quality applicants for this job".

He made the announcement at the launch of the Property Council of Australia's City of Lights policy paper, which delivers a suite of policy proposals to make the CBD more vibrant.

"We also know that there is much more to be done. We know that there is a perception that there are shortcomings in employment opportunities, which is an issue that goes beyond the city centre and in that sense of vibrancy that we are urgently seeking to build," Mr Weatherill said.

"If we handle things properly, the emerging mining boom, and the fostering and development of our advanced manufacturing sector, and our clean-energy sector, will generate more and more employment opportunities including in the central business district - for head offices and similar functions for contemporary industry."

Fantastic move this. Ive heard him speak several times. He's all about creating vibrant and sustainable communities, much like Jan Gehl. I know for a fact that he has been in Rod Hooks (CEO of DPTI) ear on this front. Things are changing from the top down and the car is way down on the list. :D

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Re: Premier and PCA to launch CBD Vision : City of Lights vi

#275 Post by ml69 » Sat Apr 07, 2012 11:05 am

I just read this document.

There are some really good recommendations in there, particularly in relation to alternative funding models for precinct upgrades and dedicating a portion of the Open Space Levy for parklands enhancements.

It was good to seeing Jay Weatherill attending the launch ... assume PCA have his ear and I've never seen a SA Premier focus as much on city improvement as Weatherill has. Full credit to him.

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Re: CBD Development: Planning / City Height Limits Overhaul

#276 Post by Rob5089 » Mon Apr 09, 2012 4:06 pm

I just read the good news!
While I don't think Adelaide will see a new sky scraper that will beat the Westpack too soon it will stop all the hassle developers have been met with when their buildings are just a few metres too tall. I'm sure Adelaide will be flooded with a lot of medium height proposals. Though just for the sake of an iconic building to show Adelaide has moved on, it would be nice to see the eyesore Westpack take 2nd place to something else new and beautiful to show Adelaide's progress.

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Re: CBD Development: Planning / City Height Limits Overhaul

#277 Post by Ben » Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:47 am

From the Messenger:
Call to raise CBD building heights further
Business12 Apr 12 @ 08:00am by Alice Higgins
CITY building heights capped for plane safety should be reviewed by the Federal Government to see if developers can build taller, planners and architects say.

Two weeks after the State Government announced it was raising maximum building heights to 30 storeys in parts of the city, the development industry wants to see if they can be raise limits even further.It wants the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) and the Federal Government’s Infrastructure and Transport Department, which sets the regulations, to review controls set in the 1950s.

The regulations prevent buildings being taller than 48m in western parts of the CBD - the lowest maximum building height allowed under the rules.

Proposals for buildings taller than the set limits can be referred to Adelaide Airport and CASA for consideration.

Pruszinski Architects principal Paul Pruszinski said the State Government should push CASA and the Federal Government to review the limits.

“If they are there for legitimate safety reasons, that is fine,” Mr Pruszinski said.

“But if we are adhering to it because it was an arbitrary number set 60 years ago, we have reasons to be concerned.

“There are ample projects on the western side of the city being restricted.”

Masterplan director Greg Vincent said the limits were a constraint.

“If the airport height limits were increased through a review, that would obviously have implications and benefits for additional height within the city,” Mr Vincent said.

Connor Holmes principal Chris Vounasis said it was timely the limits were reviewed on the back of the government’s changes.

“If you are allowed to go higher, you can have less apartments per level with greater floor areas and more windows with natural light and ventilation,” Mr Vounasis said.

Property Council SA executive director Nathan Paine said a review was needed to determine whether there was “any room to move”.

Adelaide Airport general manager John McArdle said the limits were set when the airport was built in 1955 and reviewed in the late 1990s.

He said they were in place in case a plane missed its approach or there was an incident during take-off or landing. “The city is already 150 feet higher than the airport so if you put a building on top of that, it does create difficulties,” Mr McArdle said.

“If people take no notice of us and CASA and go ahead and build a building that compromises the safety of aircraft coming in and out, CASA would impose certain restrictions on the capacity of the airport and that would most likely mean a reduction in the size of the runway.

“If you do that, you compromise the size of aircraft that come in here which would jeopardise our international status and have a marked impact on the economic development of the state.”

A Planning, Transport and Infrastructure spokesman said CASA had not created a map that gave any certainty to developers about how high they could build.

He said the government was working with CASA to develop clearer guidelines.

The Federal Government did not respond before presstime.

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Re: CBD Development: Planning / City Height Limits Overhaul

#278 Post by UrbanSG » Fri Apr 20, 2012 11:24 pm

Change sparks building project rush
by: Miles Kemp
From: The Advertiser April 20, 2012 11:00PM

Developers are on the move after a policy change removing height restrictions in Adelaide's city centre. Picture: Tom Lee. Source: AdelaideNow

COMMERCIAL building projects worth $500 million have been proposed for Adelaide's city centre after height-limit restrictions were lifted.

Inquiries by The Advertiser show that in the four weeks since the policy change, 10 developers have filed "pre-lodgement" applications with the State Government. Those could not have been approved under the old rules.

Property Council executive director Nathan Paine said the figures represented a backlog of projects which developers had decided were uneconomic but now had become viable as they could add more floors.

"The development economic equation has now changed where before an owner might only be able to build two or three storeys, now they can design a development that delivers a return while also providing jobs and homes for South Australians," Mr Paine said.

Acting Planning Minister John Hill confirmed paperwork had been lodged, but developers did not want to divulge the locations of developments.

He said some included overseas investment - with a mixture of apartments, a boutique hotel, retail and office space.

The biggest rule change announced on March 27 was to lift the height restriction from 15 to 30 storeys for developments on King William, Morphett, Pulteney, Grote, Wakefield, Currie and Franklin streets.

The developments are being submitted despite the slump in the commercial building market.

Industry experts urged caution on any response to the rule changes, warning the slump might mean projects will take time to get to construction, or not at all.

Mr Hill said 10 pre-lodgement applications were made as a result of the changes.

"Since the announcement of new planning rules for the city four weeks ago, the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure has appointed case managers to four proposed projects worth more than $300 million with case managers expected to be appointed soon to a further six proposed projects worth more than $200 million," he said.

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Re: CBD Development: Planning / City Height Limits Overhaul

#279 Post by Ben » Sat Apr 21, 2012 10:28 am

But what are they!!!! Lol it's all secret.

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Re: CBD Development: Planning / City Height Limits Overhaul

#280 Post by skyliner » Sat Apr 21, 2012 12:12 pm

:sly: :!: but looking forward to a transformed city :!:


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Re: CBD Development: Planning / City Height Limits Overhaul

#281 Post by Omicron » Sat Apr 21, 2012 9:13 pm

A display was set up in the Mall today under the Gawler Place canopy, with various diagrams and information about the proposed changes. I filled in a survey - y'all be sure to make positive comments the next time you head past, too.

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Re: CBD Development: Planning / City Height Limits Overhaul

#282 Post by AG » Mon Apr 23, 2012 7:07 am

Builders back new height rules
by: Miles Kemp From: April 22, 2012 11:00pm

Since Adelaide's height-limit restrictions were lifted, 10 developers have filed building applications.

HALF a billion dollars worth of commercial buildings have been proposed for Adelaide's CBD since height restrictions were lifted a month ago.

Inquiries by The Advertiser show that since the policy change, 10 developers have filed pre-lodgement building applications.

Those could not have been approved under the old rules.

Property Council executive director Nathan Paine said the figures represented a backlog of projects which developers had decided were uneconomic but now had become viable as they could add more floors.

"These reforms had cleared one major hurdle to development in the city and have opened up sites where previously potential development has been uneconomic," he said.

"The development economic equation has now changed. Where before an owner might only be able to build two or three storeys, now they can design a development that delivers a return while also providing jobs and homes for South Australians.

"As demand increases and access to finance improve, I expect to see more developments occur in Adelaide now that this barrier has been removed."

Acting Planning Minister John Hill confirmed paperwork had been lodged, all as a result of the rule changes, but developers did not want to divulge the locations of developments.

He said some included overseas investment with a mixture of apartments, a boutique hotel, retail and office space.

The biggest rule change announced on March 27 was to lift the height restriction from 15 to 30 storeys for developments on King William, Morphett, Pulteney, Grote, Wakefield, Currie and Franklin streets.

The developments are being submitted despite the slump in the commercial building market.

Industry experts urged caution on any response to the rule changes, warning the slump might mean projects will take time to get to construction, or not begin at all.

Mr Hill said 10 pre-lodgement applications had so far been made as a result of the changes.

These included forms which had to be completed by developers to begin discussions with Planning SA officials.

"Since the announcement of new planning rules for the city four weeks ago, the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure has appointed case managers to four proposed projects worth more than $300 million with case managers expected to be appointed soon to a further six proposed projects worth more than $200 million," Mr Hill said.

"It is very clear the historic revamp of planning rules has begun to unlock a significant amount of overdue investment in our city. It is an exciting time for Adelaide."

Adelaide is considered by the commercial property industry as notoriously conservative in its height restrictions in the CBD. The industry believes the restrictions, combined with Adelaide Airport emergency route restrictions, have stunted development.

Other changes were that North, South, East, and West terraces, Hindley and Gouger streets will be allowed to go up to 15 storeys and 12 storeys on Rundle St.

Sites that are larger than 1500 sq m will have no compulsory height restriction.

Mr Paine said discussion within the industry suggested more development applications would follow, part of a backlog of projects which could now be more viable.

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Re: CBD Development: Planning / City Height Limits Overhaul

#283 Post by skyliner » Mon Apr 23, 2012 4:43 pm

The second last statement of that article is most interesting. No restriction - can you imagine that!
Also interesting were Nth. Sth, East and WEst Tce heights.
It appears a backlog has occurred which looks viable to construct as well - interesting in the face of general CBD dev't trends.
Will be a big boost to the city and improve the message others get of the place.


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Re: CBD Development: Planning / City Height Limits Overhaul

#284 Post by Ben » Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:44 pm

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Re: CBD Development: Planning / City Height Limits Overhaul

#285 Post by UrbanSG » Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:46 pm

They've also updated the 3D Model with indicative development potential for certain sites.

Would be good if they updated the actual 3d model base soon to show the additions that have occurred over the past 1 to 2 years.

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